Comprehensive DBT

We offer a comprehensive dialectical behavior therapy program, developed and researched by Marsha Linehan, PhD. DBT is an effective treatment to reduce self-destructive and impulsive behavior including aggression, relationship difficulties, addiction, eating disorders, non-suicidal self-injury, and suicidality. You can learn more about DBT here.

This includes:

  • Individual 50 min weekly therapy

  • Skills group

  • Phone coaching

  • Participation in a consultation team by all individual therapists and skills leaders

A DBT skills group uses a psycho-educational class format where the emphasis is on learning and practicing behavioral skills. These skills include mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness. Please note this is different from a therapy group where people come to vent or get support for problems. Skills are taught in a series of three modules, each lasting roughly two months. The first two weeks of each module cover and review mindfulness. The following six to eight weeks rotate through each of the remaining modules. All the modules will be covered in approximately 6 to 8 months. Skills group fees are $80 per session and are billed at the beginning of each month, for the month of classes. Limited sliding scale options are available, please speak to your intake coordinator to discuss options when onboarding.

Current online skills groups:

  • Monday 12:00 - 1:30 pm : Led by Meredith Meyer, LMFT

  • Monday 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm : Led by Meredith Meyer, LMFT

  • Tuesday 5:00pm - 6:30pm : Led by Hannah Raiden-Wright, LCSW, MPH

  • Wednesday 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm* (young adult group) : Led by Hannah Raiden-Wright, LCSW, MPH

Current in-person skills groups:

  • Monday 6:oo pm - 7:30 pm : Rockridge, Oakland : Led by Sarah Moxon, LCSW

Online advanced group:

This is a 6 month closed group that is open to individuals who have completed at least one full cycle of DBT skills either at Pacific DBT or at another DBT program and are currently in treatment with a therapist. The group will focus on increasing the understanding and use of DBT skills with an emphasis on validation of self and others, dialectical thinking, radical acceptance, mindfulness, values, emotional exposure and behavioral change in order to continue to build a life worth living. In addition, all group members will be asked to participate in a building mastery project that is linked to something that will bring joy and/or meaning into their life. While this group will be led by a DBT certified clinician, participants will be asked to take a more active role in the group process including leading mindfulness. This group is currently accepting new clients for waitlist.

Phone Coaching:

Phone coaching provides individuals with phone access to their individual therapist between sessions. The purpose of this is to offer in the moment skills coaching in order to help people generalize the skills they are learning outside the therapy office. Each individual therapist has their own limits regarding phone coaching and will discuss those with their clients at the appropriate time.

Consultation Team:

Our therapists at Pacific DBT meet weekly to support and collaborate on treatment implementation. Participation in the consultation team is a requirement for all therapists.